University of A Coruña: Postdoctoral Call

If you have some interesting ideas and looking for funding. University of Coruna, Spain is offering you the opportunity to apply for postdoctoral research. 

The contract remains for two years, with the possibility of one-year extension.
Researchers will be paid a total of 60,000 euros for their gross salary per year. An additional amount of 10,000 euros will be given for the research

Applicant profile:
Excellent recent research track record and ability to generate new knowledge.
Professional maturity, ability to work independently and potential to build and maintain a strong research reputation.
Ability and willingness to participate in other national and international Excellent Science funding schemes, such as European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator Grants, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competition ‘State Programme for the Promotion of R&D&I Talent and Employability’ schemes 4 / 12 (e.g. Ramón y Cajal), alternative funding streams within the H2020 programme, and competitive funding opportunities operated by other international agencies.

Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants will be required to meet the following criteria.
Possession of a PhD awarded, at least, three years prior to the date of publication of the call for proposals provided herein. The date of award will correspond to the date of thesis examination and approval by the examination board. For candidates with more than one PhD, the provisions of this paragraph will apply to the earlier (or earliest) date of award.
Fulfilment of current eligibility criteria for ERC Starting or Consolidator calls announced for 2018 and subsequent years.
Minimum 24-month research placement in R&D institutions outside of the country of the PhD awarding institution, to be completed prior to the date of publication of the call for proposals provided herein. Total placement may be an aggregate of multiple mobility periods lasting no less than one month each. Applicants in possession of a PhD completed in a university outside of their own country will be deemed to have met the international mobility requirement provided in this section.

For further information and application process click here
